Velcro is not the hallmark of a polished shoe.
In the words of Faux Fuchsia – this would be called a bow arrangement at the neck. Very useful tip for dragging a T shirt from Target up to the ranks of polished work wear. Though the effect was ruined later by my biro drawing itself all over the front of my top. There were…
Destination Unknown. Emotional greige.
Because it’s nearly Mardi Gras and even navel-gazing blog posts need dance anthem inspired titles. I love you big time, Alex Gaudino and Crystal Waters. Every so often, you hit turbulence in life. There are all the expected (or at least anticipated) shocks and bumps. Somehow, being prepared makes them a little easier to accept, even…
Photography, philosophy and the art of patience.
Well, Frugal February is 3/4 of the way done and I have survived!! This weekend was ideal. As I had my photography class all weekend, there was no time to go to the shops or browse the net. I was also so busy that I didn’t waste the whole day logged on to facebook and…
Congratulations, Torah!!!!!
Image courtesy of www.examiner.com This was such a lovely story. I’m sure everyone in Australia knows by now that Torah Bright won gold for the women’s half pike. Her family surprised her by secretly going to watch her compete, she wasn’t expecting to see them until her wedding in June, in Salt Lake City.…
My new M cups.
Because it’s Friday and saucy double entendres are always good for a Friday. Hope you haven’t aspirated coffee or tea all over your keyboard. I am, of course, referring to these babies. Aren’t you relieved that wasn’t leading to photos involving me trying to take photos of my top half? The babushka measuring cups. I…
Rain, rain and more rain. Rain Man.
In which I recall hearing about people making a difference. There has been so much rain here in Sydney. It had a subduing effect on everyone here. The traffic was a little slower, drivers were more cautious, the bus drivers were a little more patient as we clambered on board. Pedestrians made way for each…
Thursday night – dinner for one.
It’s Thursday night and I am in dire need of the weekend. It’s been another long day. Tonight I am unexpectedly having dinner alone. R’s mate from Perth is over for a couple of days and what started as after work beers has progressed to post booze munchies. Lucky things, they have the whole of…
Questionable confessions. The working week in lunches. With the added excitement of my favourite sections of the Sydney Morning Herald. Where long blog post titles imply less that rivetting post content.
I have yet another questionable confession to make to the blogging world. I have taken the same lunches to work for the last 6 years. The exact same rotation and with only some brand subsitutions. I get a little uneasy if the routine is broken by say, public holidays and annual leave (does this make…
Watching the world go by. The facebook dilemma, who to friend?
Glad to have survived a long day at work. Net achievement not very much for a lot of running around and fussing. I’m over caffeinated and really need to rebalance and stretch. I can feel the tension building in my shoulders. It may be backbends tonight. I may get my wish. I’ve found a little…
Gok Wan, Sydney Shop Girl would die if you came around and re-invented my wardrobe and took me shopping. Please?!?!
Gok Wan is probably the best thing to have happened to Foxtel. He is a natural in front of the camera and he puts everyone he works with at ease – the ‘normal’ people, the stylists, the celebrities. He also has a real flair with fashion – he makes clothes work for real people…