Socks that span the rainbow and beyond at Uniqlo. They’ve added a much-needed pop of colour and a dash of sartorial flair to the #scrublife at work.
The runway created when the cousins come over for Sunday lunch.
Running a ribbon worth 900m at this week’s athletics carnival.
My favourite dried fruit has returned to the supermarket shelves. Those fancy freeze-dried pears and that aesthetitically pleasing variant with the skin and core in are both all well and good but these sweet, chewy dried pears from Woolies are my favourite kind.
Just a girl, her coffee and her shopping. Killing time on a day off outside Woolies in trackies and Birkis. These are the highlights of my weekday day off.
Leftover air fryer miso crusted salmon starring in a mid week salad lunch.
A day that began with spitty rain and grey skies only to develop into this….
Nothing says Year 10 to a child of the 90s like …..
Impulse deodorant!!!!!! They were simpler but also more transformative times. 2020s me is smiling warmly back at 1990s me right now. Telling her from across the decades that while the best is yet to come, the best times are right now. Urging her to make the most of every opportunity and privilege afforded her. That the people who love her (sometimes with tough love) will be the pillars of her adult life too,