I’ve been pleasantly surprised.
Yes, there are a whole slew of teenagers dancing with a natural cool, grace and energy that I will never in a million years achieve but they are also fun and positive teenagers. The kind who get their parents to join them dancing – and applaud said parents for their moves. The kind who include their parents in their pranks. My favourite are the ‘Who is most likely to…’ quizzes where parents are nominated as being the most likely to be strict / tricked / be generous with money….
Too old and underdressed? That’s where I was pleasantly surprised. Toktok takes you as you are. Track pants, uniforms, your Sunday best. Whatever. It manages to be a platform that embraces everyone who needs a laugh or a dance.
The music. It’s eclectic, it’s infectious and covers a wide range of genres and decades.
For me, TikTok has proven to be fun way to unwind and have a bit of a dance and a laugh in the process. I’m not game enough to upload my own TikToks.
Do you TikTok?