Tuesday. And That’s A No to ‘No Sugar’.

Keeping it real world today.

Beginning with this flat lay of real world mum life.  A stack of freebie magazines from the supermarket, laminated tear outs from said magazines, this morning’s at home yoga sequence, stationery and a couple of Paw Patrol pups.  Speaking of whom, what’s the low down on those pups?  Why do preschoolers love them so?  I’ve overheard a few Paw Patrol episodes but I still don’t know what their game is.

That raw torn edge is really growing on me.  It’s almost art.  I love my laminator.  I’m making Curtis Stone’s nan’s cottage pie recipe from this page for dinner tonight.  So many disparate sentences in the one paragraph.  It’s obviously a day off Tuesday after a very long Monday.

Revisiting the weekend.  How glorious was Sunday?  It felt like a preview of summer sitting out in the sun at Circular Quay.  I’ve been peering at the mirror ever since to see if I’d managed to get a starter tan from the weekend.

People tell me not to get my hopes us just yet.  That August will bring with it not just my birthday and a visit from mum but also a bout of miserable weather to remind me that winter always has the last word.  But for now, I’m just enjoying the sun on face value.

After a ‘picnic’ lunch while waiting for the ferry, we finally made it to the zoo.

Where we saw and did many things.  Unfortunately not really animal related.  

I folded and tried No Sugar while we were there.  No.  Just no.  It tastes like the evil spawn of full fat Pepsi and Coke.  I think I might just have to drink more water and less sugar free chemical cocktails.

What’s your stance on No Sugar Coke.  Have you heard the rumour that Woolworths will defiantly continue to sell Coke Zero?

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